Using the internet for social science research

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University of Namibia
It is estimated that Internet users around the world are over 200 million (Clarke 1998). Others have claimed that by 2005, Internet users will number one billion. Chadwick notes that few technologies have generated as much interest, paranoia, and hype as the Internet (Chadwick 1998). Apart from its vast reach, another characteristic of the Internet is the fast development of the technology. In fact the technology is developing so fast that it seems capable of running ahead of definitions. As recently as 1999, for example, the Internet was defined as "a large number of interconnected computers in a single cooperative global system". To date, such a definition would be inadequate because of the rapid advances in technology. An appropriate definition would have to include: Satellite technology, Wireless applications (WAP), 1-mode (wireless Internet connection via cell-phones), TV sets, to mention but a few possibilities.
Internet, Technologies, Global system, Characteristic, Social science
Mchombu, K., Beukes-Amiss, M. 2004. Proceedings of the Launching and Conference of the Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa in Namibia; 24 - 25 June 2004; Windhoek:14-24.